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  • This dog training package is for puppies younger than 6 months. Dog training techniques are positive reinforcement heavy and instill building blocks used to shape a strong obedience foundation. Creating a communication channel utilizing clear signals training, building your puppies focus, and discipline helps teach your puppy more than basic tricks; it teaches your puppy manners, patience and how to better understand their owner. Puppy training sessions are sold in either our standard or hybridized training program. Each week of training incudes three 1 hour sessions. The trainer comes to your home and works with your pup one on one. The final session every week will be conducted with the owners present. In this session the owner will be taught how to maintain the training themselves and how to continue building on the foundation the trainer has set. In the hybridized program your pup will come stay with the head trainer and get a week full of one on one training. This package comes with three free follow up sessions. Every session after the initial three follow ups is $100 a session.   

  • This dog training package is for dogs struggling with moderate to severe behavioral problems. This includes fear aggression/anxiety, an overly excitable dog, separation anxiety etc. In this training program LIMA (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive) protocols are followed. This may include a recommendation for medication if after the initial session it is deemed that your pup may benefit from/need medication to help them manage their behaviors/outbursts. This package is available in our specialized hybridized and standard training programs. Three sessions will be held each week. One one hour session will be held at the end of the week with the owners to fill you in on your dogs progress and tech you how to maintain and advance the tasks taught that week. The hybridized programs will include a board and train during week 3 where the dog will stay with the head trainer. A place cot and training collars will be provided as needed (prong collar, slip lead, and e-collar). All other tools must be purchased by the owner. These training tools could include: muzzle (Baskerville recommended or a custom fit muzzle), treat/dump pouch, 2 long lines (15 footer recommended), a slip lead, and rewards (Kong, treats, toys etc). A questionnaire will be utilized to gather as much information up front about what your pups personal struggles are. Three free follow ups for life are included in this package. Every additional session thereafter will be priced at $150 a session. 

  • This dog training package is for dogs 6 month or older. Dog training techniques utilized in this program pair a healthy reward schedule in with appropriately timed corrections in order to hold your dog accountable. A clear communication channel is created between the owner and the dog. This allows full control over your dog whether they're on or off leash. A recall, place training, loose leash or off leash walking, and curbing of excitement based intensity is all taught and trained. We offer these in standard and hybridized training programs. Each package includes three sessions per week. The hybridized program follows this schedule during weeks 1, 2 and 4. Week 3 is a board and train week where your dog will be staying with the head trainer. Session 3 will be held at the end of each week with the owners. During this session you will be updated on the training that took place that week. In addition you will be taught how to maintain and advance this training. All hybridized and standard training programs include a place cot and training tools/collars.

    * If your dog is struggling with severe anxiety or fear aggression the behavioral dog training sessions are required. This package is for teaching obedience only. Feel free to call for information that is more personalized to you and what your pup is experiencing. A four session and six session package is offered for this training. Three free follow ups are included in these dog training packages. Every session past the initial three will run at $125 a session. Packages must be purchased prior to scheduling the initial appointments. Our dog questionnaire and release form must be filled out prior to the first session. This is to make sure it isn't the behavior package that your dog actually needs.

About US

We are a veteran owned and operated dog training company based out of Denver, CO. If you live in Colorado you know just how much this state and its residents love their beloved pets. Our goal is to help you and your dog get to the level we know you are capable of. Why is this important? Here at CPK9 we believe in the relationship between owner and dog being lived out to its fullest. A trained dog and trained owner opens the door to more freedom and opportunity. If you're an owner ready to learn what clear communication, standards and boundaries look like for your dog we are ready for you. Reach out today to discuss our dog training programs. 

The education, goals and trust of the client is what matters the most. We will never push you into training that isn't beneficial for you and your dog. When I decided to start my own company a lot of it had to do with the clients and what I thought you deserved. You deserve an honest dog trainer who isn't going to lie to you for an extra buck. You can come to us in knowing we have your back. Your confidence in us to handle both you and your dog with care is the top priority. 



What Matters To Us…

Your Dog

Your Dog

If you landed on this page it is because you are a dog owner who takes the relationship with your dog seriously. And just as much as the safety and care of your dog matters to you, it matters to us. We do what we do not only for the convenience of a trained dog for the owner, but for the quality of life of the dog. Many people know what it feels like to experience stress, anxiety and fear. Dogs know what it's like to feel these things as well. My job is not to throw a band aid/quick fix at you and your dog. My job is to help your dog learn to regulate these feelings so they can live a happier and more fulfilling life.

The Results

The Results

If you and your dog are happy that's great! However, it isn't a job well done till the training has stuck for the both of you. Here we refuse to give you anything but quality. We believe in what we can do for you so much, that we promise to be in your back pocket for life. No matter the incident or question you need advice about, we vouch to always be here to help you through it. Once a client, always a client. We won't give up on you and I assure you our results will speak for themselves. If you don't believe it, just see for yourself.

Master your dog's behavior

Welcome to Command Performance K9, where we specialize in behavioral rehabilitation using a balanced training method. Let us guide you through the scheduling process and provide details to know about beforehand.

Welcome to Command Performance K9

Experience our unique approach to behavioral rehabilitation and balanced training methods. Unleash your dog's full potential with us!